Monday, March 22, 2010

Truck Toolbox Locks Toronto

intensive farming of laying hens: what are they?

In Italy, 80% of the hens live in battery cages , which means that they are destined to spend their entire lives in cages smaller than an A4 sheet (immaginatelo. ..), packed up multiple files and placed in warehouses ( bad) artificially ventilated and lit.
The lights are kept burning around the clock to force the hens to produce as many eggs as possible is of little interest to the farmers that the animals can not open their wings, scratching, bathing the earth, nor - nor - lay their eggs in a nest, as they would in nature. What counts is the production , which must be massive, exaggerated, he says, without some respect for the natural cycles.
forced to live crammed against each other, in a closed, claustrophobic, chickens end up crazy, kill each other, their nails grow so much to wrap around the bars of the cages, causing them great pain. I'm talking about

unspeakable suffering, encouraged and pursued solely for the purpose of obtaining large quantities of eggs tasteless, unhealthy and devastating environmental impact .

eggs produced according to modern industrial methods involve fact:

1) abhorrent living conditions for hens : that what was shown in the first part of this post is helpful to give look at the following videos and photographs

So the chickens should be kept ...

... are so used to death in factory farms:

On channel VIDEOLAV, to this address found the movie that shows the living conditions of aberrant of hens in battery cages.

2) damage to our health: the eggs produced using industrial methods are far from healthy. The hens are fed a feed based on cereals grown intensively, with extensive use of herbicides and pesticides. Not to mention the antibiotics and hormones fed to chickens who regularly, through the consumption of meat and eggs, then move on in our bodies;

3) damage to the environment: the feed given to laying hens are made wide waste of water and energy resources, both during the manufacturing process or during transport. In addition, the corn-based feed these are added to fish meal or soybean: the latter achieved through GM crops and often imported from poorer countries, to be responsible of killing crops many hectares of forests. With the addition of these ingredients, you try to make the power of laying more protein - protein and subtracting resources to people in developing countries. We do not care to fight hunger in the world, we just want our chickens are fatter .

Given all this, I ask you: it really worth it?

I invite you to reflect and inform you: choose to eat eggs only from organic farms, controlled and safe can be an important first step in the fight against cruelty and opportunism on the road to a "decrease happy."

• AAM - Newfoundland
Hens free - Site LAV

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Much Does Lamination Cost A Staples

37. Regulation of the perfect employee

a regulation is found in the archives, which date the beginning of the twentieth century and down 10 points in what they should do the employees.
All those who suffer because the work is too hard should meditate on the fact that at the time claimed that not only the employee was working well but that he had a decent family and social life. The only question that remains is why smoking cigars English to doubt the honesty of a person ?

Regulation Office 1889
1. The office staff have to sweep the floor each morning, dust the furniture, shelves and cabinets.

2. Every day must fill kerosene lamps, clean the cap and adjust the wicks, and once a week should wash the windows.

3. Each employee must bring a bucket of water and a carbon to the need of the day.

4. Keep your pens carefully; individuals can take to the tip pens according to their taste.

5. This office will open at seven in the morning and closes at eight pm, except on Sundays, on which day will be closed. It is expected that each employee spent Sunday dedicating the church and contribute freely to the cause of God

6. The men, employees will have a free evening a week for the purpose of entertainment and two free nights if they go to church regularly.

7. After an employee has worked thirteen hours office, will spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books.

8. Each employee will have to set aside a considerable amount of his pay for years of old age, so that he does not become a burden to society.

9. Each employee who smokes cigars in Spain, making use of liquor in any form, or frequent billiard halls, or go to the barber to shave, give us a good reason to suspect his worth, of his intentions, his integrity and honesty.

10. The employee who has done his work faithfully and without error for five years, will have a pay raise of 5 cents per day, assuming that the profits of the firm permit.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cute About Me Ideas For Myspace

Country Easter LAV - All dates in the province of Alessandria

I finally definitive dates, tables dedicated to Country Easter LAV and sales of eggs chocolate.
Here are the dates:

March 13, Alexandria, from 15 to 20
March 14, Acqui Terme, 15 to 20
March 21, Tortona, from 15 to 20
March 27 , Alexandria, from 15 to 20
March 27, Casale Monferrato, from 15 to 20
28 March , Novi Ligure, from 10 to 20

they are also present in the side column of the blog, as a reminder, and on our Facebook group .
Come to us!

PS: soon I will update you on the subject also of the 2010 campaign. Today I'm in a hurry!