The Night of the Bandits, is a cultural project, conceived and designed within the association in South Movement. Its first edition was made April 23, 2006 at the Cave of Fanta in Grottaglie, the second one, June 30, 2007, was built at the historic square and the castle of Carosino, obtaining the support of the municipal administration of the place . The event is characterized by its strong environmentalist vocation, but not only, as is inferred its title suggests, wants to discover and exploit the area's history and its people, reopening a chapter a long time since emptiness called but never really dealt with and resolved, precisely, that of "Southern question." To fully address this issue we can not dispense with revisit and remember, from a historical point of view and not just the story of brigandage South, which in its own way, even if amended to some extent, represents the latest rampart South of the struggle for the affirmation of the prerogatives and rights of the peoples of these lands.
The festival just mentioned is all aimed at the enhancement and promotion of emerging groups of the southern provinces, does not exclude the other companies or bands, artists from other parts of the world, on the contrary, is seen as a great opportunity for comparison, integration and growth, in keeping with the spirit that moves the idea of \u200b\u200bthis event, ie Opening to the world, and collectivization of social engagements, cultural and political, that since its infancy, has resulted in great material and moral support from citizens, associations, committees and local institutions, with great success among the public and especially among young people.
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