Friday, May 21, 2010

Words Describe Spiderman

World Day boycott of Procter & Gamble

This year animal welfare organizations around the world revive their campaign to boycott the notorious U.S. multinational Procter & Gamble , ethically reprehensible in many ways.

Last year I already published the reasons for which we must avoid the purchase of goods Procter & Gamble , together with a list of products "implicated": you can find the article at this link .

as much as possible to spread the news of the atrocities committed by this sprawling multinational, you can take advantage of this significant day and send e-mail family and friends, to raise awareness on the topic: many people, in fact, still do not know the true face of P & G and continue to buy products (which is standard in shops and shopping centers) obtained through the suffering inflicted on humans, animals and the environment. The Procter & Gamble
, in fact, not only pays his own pocket cruel experiments on dogs, rats, rabbits, ferrets, but also a producer of goods potentially harmful to human health and high environmental impact.

it not be the company of Satan (the blog Urban legends shows the quarrel between P & G and Amway: if you want to read the article, found here ), but certainly the Procter & Gamble does its best to disseminate widely the "evil" (understood in terms of ethical and environmental) on our planet.

The logos of the main products of P & G: diffuse from site ©

For further information:
• P & G Kills : language site English on the horrors committed by Procter & Gamble.
I quote a passage from the home page:

"Sometimes Animals break Their necks or backs Attempting to escape the pain. Those That Survive are used in yet additional painful tests ... They are until finally killed. The victims include rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets and other animals. "

(" Animals sometimes break their neck or back, in an attempt to escape the suffering that is inflicted upon them. Those who survive are used for experiments even more painful ... until finally being killed. The victims include rabbits, pigs, hamsters, ferrets and other animals.)


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