Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reciever Upconvert Stereo 5.1

45. The first time I saw television

In the 50s of the last century, a small window overlooking the world has revolutionized the way we see and perceive things: TV option is no When I first saw this screen magic .... The year was 1958 (maybe)

H or 9 or 10 years (can not remember) at around 11 am I'm coming home with Angela and pass in front of the kindergarten, a facility in St. John's point of reference as there is a cinema and a shelter home run by nuns and children in difficulty handicappatati.

Angela, a beautiful girl who has just celebrated its 14 years, belongs to that category Common people, happy, funny guy par excellence which the company is in great demand. From the film looks and someone calls it, the should be seeing something really special. We enter curious and there, on a table is placed a cubic box with a glass facade, surrounded by smooth wood. Below, some of the buttons that strives to operate. Then, suddenly, the screen lights up and shows a mouse with a strange nasal voice, which runs behind a dumb dog named Pluto. E 'Mickey Mouse. I do not know what a cartoon is the first time I've seen one, rather it is the first time I've seen the television, and my laughter immediate part, lush, sustained, the more I see the mouse and laugh more, I can not stop. With my laughter contagion crystalline three-four people present, all mature. They do not laugh at Mickey Mouse, do not get it, laugh at my joy. Instead, for me, it was love at first sight. From now on, any cartoon I grind to a halt close to that magic box and, at any age, does not cease to fiddle with animation of Walt Disney and Cie.

must be said that the transmission morning was experimental, because until the mid-'60s television programs were transmitted only from 8 pm, in black and white of course.

Barbara Bertolini


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