Monday, November 29, 2010

Movie Woman Has Husbands Head In A Hat Suitcase

Photo Exhibition "Innocent prisoners Human "We want a circus

LAV - Chamber of Alexandria Recently opened in Castelnuovo Scrivia (November 20) a photo exhibition Innocent prisoners man, dedicated to the exploitation of animals in circuses structures. Here are some pics, taken by our friend and "colleague" Cristina Gho :

The young artists of the School Cirko "Vertigo" in Grugliasco, who enlivened the evening by offering circus numbers " without animals ": Salvatore Cappello, Gianluca Gerlando Gentleman, Luca Morrocchi, Michael Capozzi.

The LAV set up at the opening banquet.

The exhibition will move to Sunday, December 5 Alexandria, Galleria Guerci, and here will be inaugurated at 16.00: it aims to show the difference between cruel animal portraits in their habitats, in full freedom, and those forced in the cages of circuses, abused, malnourished and often forced to run events for their humiliating and against nature.

On the site of LAV of Alexandria, at this page you will find the directions to the show: As always there waiting for you!

PS: the campaign against the exploitation of animals in circuses human want a circus, will continue on the dates shown at right, the column of the blog, under "Events LAV " Stay tuned!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shoppers Drug Mart Ice Cream Hair


National Mobilization LAV 3, 4 and 5 December 2010

This year, LAV (Anti-Vivisection League) decided to mobilize all over the country for the usual pre-Christmas campaign : this year's topic will be the shameful exploitation of animals in circuses. The meeting of the shareholders inter
LAV, held in Milan on November 7 last year, there were alarming: there are also many exotic animals in circuses held Italian (something like 2,000 copies, but the estimate is approximate, since the circus families are reluctant to report reliable data: the animals are leased, transferred from one circus to another and traded throughout Europe, so it is not possible to take an actual count) under less than appropriate to their nature .
fact spend much of their lives locked in cages and narrow conteiner free to leave their prisons only when forced to perform (exercises for them completely unnatural and dangerous to the physical and mental health of the animal), facts reside in countries with climates very different from those of their areas of origin : how often, if you coming to visit after the show the "animal park" a circus, happen to see zebras and camels with their legs in the snow? The big cats and animals from hot countries suffer the rigors of our winters, but the circuses concentrate their activities in the coldest months of the year.

Training methods also are particularly inhumane: the training, in fact, is (as we do believe the circus in television interviews and radio) to teach the animals given year, but to break the natural instinct of rebellion. With violent and coercive means, schools training lions, tigers and elephants are trained to fear the man . Their openness to learning in the face of humiliating exercises is not only a consequence of this first phase of pain and suffering to animals.

Against this background, is easy to understand how and when the circus is a cruel spectacle , to avoid and to protest as a vehicle for violence against innocent animals and element strongly negative educational impact for children, assisting you, they learn to treat animals (and thus the weakest) as "toys" to use and bend to your liking . The national campaign

LAV We want a human circus Banquet will take place through information placed in all major Italian cities as of 3 December.
the tables will be possible to sign the appropriate petition and contribute to the fundraiser by purchasing one of the pendants are made with materials from the trade fair specifically for the LAV (price: 10 €).

As for the province of Alessandria, I remind everyone that the provincial LAV has organized a photographic exhibition in Castelnuovo Scrivia Innocent prisoners man, dedicated to the exploitation of animals in circuses: you will find information and contacts on the site of Alexandria LAV.

Finally, as far as my modest voluntary activities, which I like to keep informed my friends and readers, can tell you that Mara, Chris and I would place the table devoted to the campaign want a circus, as always in human Casale Monferrato , in Rome, on days 11 and 12 December (afternoon). See you there!

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's A Dongle Driver

also happens to Paterno that ..........

not to mislead the investigation, but for "test "....... To try! Not for mislead the investigation, but to prove it! To prove surprisingly !!!!! My!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Point And Shoot Camera Fastest Shutter Speed

The company .... BERLUSCONI

..... I granted that three means of existence: the work. begging and theft. The work, instead of revulsion, I like it. Man can not help but work [...] What was I hated to sweat blood and water for a salary, that is to create wealth from which I would have been exploited. In a word, I hated to give me the job of prostitution ( Alexandre Marius Jacob ).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miniature Canoe Blueprint

46. Bring a chair and five pounds if you want to see the TV!

L to television, it appeared, was an immediate success: large and small want to see but the cost for farming families of the time is too high. So how is it done? Simple, they buy the ones that see a little circular ' of money in their trade: the bar of the country or the shop that is almost always the same thing.
We of Ca Pas, the first to borrow to buy the TV - which cost the average pay of a year's work - was the bartender Licinius, who had placed in the room that before his family had used as a dining room. Licinio, a big man, round, with the eternal borsalino a clock in his head and tied with a long gold chain that attracted my admiration, took care of the tavern, while the ' Adelina, his wife, took care to clients of the adjacent shop and, after freeing the few furniture room "TV," he invited all the villagers who wanted to follow the broadcasts, to obtain a chair and 5 pounds.

Already on the first night half the town was there, nailed to watch TV. The housewives had rushed to make dinner and wash the dishes because the 20 and 50, for ten minutes, the program was broadcast from the most beloved Italian families: Carousel , conveyed through advertising or ironic comic sketches that were repeated every evening, as the tales and, therefore, preferred by us children, arrived without seat (but with the pennies), sitting on the ground in front of the small screen.
So at the end of the fifties television was seen as we went to the cinema, commenting, laughing and crying together, passionately.
And slowly Carousel formed the '(un) consciousness of neoconsumatori. While other programs such as The Musicians Mario Riva, Lascia ? Mike Bongiorno, The Festival of San Remo , have shaped our Italian. E 'television that taught us how to speak Italian, she has allowed us to store the edge of the world, yet she made us come with nightmares pictures of disasters, the cold war, political crisis or instability of the pound. Before it, nothing.

For those who want to learn more : the first mechanical television was invented by a Scottish engineer, one John Braird that deposed a patent in 1923. While the first electronic television was invented in 1926 by the Japanese Kenjiro Takayanagi. The first television broadcasts from London in 1932, when the BBC broadcast programs undertaken to regular television.
In Italy the first television trials were held in Turin in 1934 by the Centre EIAR (hereinafter RAI). The first television transmitter (without which it can receive signals) was installed at Monte Mario in Rome in 1939.
With the war Mussolini suspend all broadcasts. It was not until 1949, before starting over. In Italy, the first regular transmission will not begin until January 3, 1954, by the RAI.
Barbara Bertolini

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorority Community Service

and infinite mercy

scan the pages of a newspaper we all realize that the facts of the private and public "our" are put to the premier sedan, his peccadilloes, his vices, his jokes have entered the daily life of every Italian. Not a day passes that no one gets up, and yet, the polls and then the Italians continue to see the top of each preference is the Western leader with more support, despite its goliardia (or to hear someone) his misdeeds, in Simply put, the vast majority of Italians Berlusconi appreciates and loves his lifestyle and appreciate his way of doing politics-business. But if we analyzed all his work with "normal dilingenza father's family "very well known to the legal terms, all he has done (politically and ethically) is a series of provocations continue to research collective indignation, I explain all his work or the emulation of part of it If any ordinary mortal riproponesse him in any civil community to which it belongs, the latter react and take the appropriate action to safeguard the community itself and the rules that govern it, in medical terms, some would say that now would leave the white blood cells and then the immune system. In Italy no one more outraged if the Prime Minister or his vassals are accused of cheating because they played with two to Trump decks of cards, once the lawyer Ghedini say that everything is the result of an arrangement of The Republic in league with the PM of the left who are plotting secretly with Di Pietro, the day after Emilio Fede will thunder from his sz 4 that the two decks card had been placed there by brother-Fini in order to bring down the government, Bossi says that if there had been the premier federalism would play cards with Piacenza (in use in the north) and then the brother in law being Roman Fini could not be brought and that therefore the federalism must be done quickly if sivogliono avoid such unpleasant situations. The defense is so beautiful and can be built and you feed those idiots who think only of Italians and only Silvio, Scajola if he did do Silvio nothing would have happened if the poor had called Cucchi and beat him to Silvio at this time than it was in the house at Bondi entrusted to him by the police during the night (see the case of the young Moroccan ), which is why the Italians are indignant because from 1994 to know which way to turn. While the villains of the left accuse us that we Italians are tax evaders, corrupt and all the vices of this world and so we have to suffer the penalties as sinners, the rider came down to earth and became one of us and then in the infinite goodness (and being too sinner) forgives us, we condone it but also "praised" or would "be honored".