The "condition" according to the courtesans of the "King naked
ROME - Berlusconi loves women, " the thousands who employs between "graduates, mothers, professionals real (vajasse). The undersecretary said Daniela Santanche, in an interview with the newspaper (where else!) In contesting the event on Sunday to defend the dignity of women: "Ruby and the others are the result of the battles that they did in their own '68. The body used as an ATM is a result of those battles. "
"I counted how many women give Berlusconi," he explains Santanchè, "Mediaset: 31 December 2010 there were 4,500 employees, including 2,600 women. (Requirements only big tits and small brain) makes 43 percent of the total, "Mondadori: 31 December 2009 on 3,700 employees, 1,600 were women, 43 percent (the percentage that can ensure the bunga bunga evening). "The dignity - stresses - is the autonomy and economic independence. And Berlusconi puts women in condition of work . 742322 /
Now that we women make enormous sacrifices in the morning to advance the family facing the rugged days, we wonder: "the "Condition" referred to by the "lady" in question, in which Silvio put in condition to work perhaps have it ........ what part of the new slave trade ??????( Berlusconi - one of many second interception which set forth the conversations of the former dental hygienist promoted to Regional Councillor - the desperate search for: "the more desperate the better for him ")." Daniela Santanche And a woman who defends this system is the one who should represent the will and the thoughts and aspirations of the Italian women? "But I like the little face !!!!". To put it in Toto.
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