Even this blog wants to join in the celebrations for the unification of Italy. The occasion gives me the Nicoletta Barbarito, now you know why his pen out large pieces of "reporter" ...
She writes:
Below And my little contribution to the commemoration of the anniversary of the unification of Italy:
the photo of my great-grandfather, Emilio de Lama, of Parma, in 1866, aged 16, ran away from home to join the troops of Garibaldi. A little bravado appreciated by the family that still would not give him permission to leave.
The photo was taken in Brescia, point of collection of young Garibaldi. The red shirt and red cap were later donated by his daughter, Albertina, my maternal grandmother, the Garibaldi Museum which is located adjacent to Rome next to the Basilica of St. Maria degli Angeli in Rome.
All I know about him comes only from the memories of my grandmother (who physically resembled him very much).
was handsome, funny (even when young great joker, misbehaving), with blue eyes and a beautiful tenor voice. He sang with the windows open and the neighbors applauded him spellbound. He dreamed of treading the boards of the Teatro Regio di Parma, then as now famous temple of opera. Again, however, the family de Lama - small provincial nobility and traditional - proved otherwise.
Emilio had a child by his young wife Marianna, a modest family, who died in childbirth. Subsequently remarried Laudomia Toscani, a talented girl who was a dressmaker in Parma. The parents, irritated by this new header, forcing Emilio to leave Parma. family of Parma my grandmother Albertina retained until his death a great nostalgia, recalling the large house, imposing the grandparents (which she, "the bimbina, called the Great Father and Great Mother) to be expressed in dialect or Parmesan in French, the country house, numerous uncles and aunts, cousins \u200b\u200bby the names he loved to repeat impossible laughing Azelio , Burchard, Cadmus, Driope , Elle , Phyllis , Glauco , Learco , Romano (at least if the latter had managed to communicate!). On those older relatives and told amusing anecdotes, who evidently knew his father. If Emily had not been a young man so "uncomfortable", Albertina was unlikely to have a more peaceful and prosperous life.
Putting aside all artistic ambition and having no special qualifications, Emilio began a modest career in the service of the State. He worked for several years in Perugia, where my grandmother attended the elementary school. Then the little family moved to Rome, staying close to Porta Pia, Via Giacomo Pagliari, in one of the buildings constructed between 1880 and 1890 to house officials and state employees from many parts of Italy.
Albertina remained in prolonged contact with some cousins \u200b\u200band children of cousins, but he returned to Parma, who once, at the age of 65 years, with me. I knew, at that time, his cousin Learco, plus another cousin, also named Albertina, and visited the country house, now owned by the descendants of another cousin. In the villa on the road from Parma to Traversetolo was intercepted after Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma leaving a handkerchief embroidered with crown and initials (heirloom still on display in a glass case, my grandmother remembered seeing him as a child).
Emilio de Lama died of a heart attack in Via Nazionale in front of the church of S. Vitale (ie next to the Palazzo delle Esposizioni) as he was returning home from the office in 1904. Albertina was 18, had just graduated from teacher to teach immediately had to get to contribute to the family.
E 'buried in the Verano cemetery, the so-called "old department." He was a father and a loving husband and jovial. The old photo on the plaque shows a high forehead, Good, white hair and mustache.
Nicoletta Barbarito
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