Sunday, February 28, 2010

When Does Soy Milk Spoil

36. Last night before leaving for America:

Loreta Giannetti , Italian-Canadian, tells the departure for America. Starting a painful, agonizing, as seen through the eyes of a child who feels his world disappear. The emigrants who have experienced the same emotions will find themselves in the story of the little Molise.

F ine December 1956. It's cold in the house. Tomorrow we will take the ship to Naples, where for America. I do not recognize my home. The furniture was sold. There are only three chairs in the middle of the kitchen and retrieved the funds for the construction of the crib.
The fireplace warms us that makes us a bit 'light the flame. It's dark outside. Starless night. My mother looks bigger than usual. When he walks to the kitchen, the shadow reaches the ceiling. I'm afraid. My sister is sleeping on a box that acts as his birthplace. This home close TOMORROW.

Tonight vigil and expect friends and family came to greet us. Here come the grandparents, aunts and uncles come. They do not know where to store the chairs mom offers to the elderly and speakers to young people. No one wants to talk, you cry alone. The fire is silent tonight. It's cold and dark. All dressed in black like a funeral. Only his eyes red, watery eyes only so many tears.
Grandma begins to speak quietly with my mother. Perhaps the talk of my father, his son ahead of us in America. But the tears of a mother increases more and more. I approach her and she takes me in his arms. The first time in many months.

Out of an accordion begins to play, a sad song then another two and no more. You hear the pitch of the musician who goes. Reaches more people, neighborhood, my mother's friends, wives and companions: they start slowly cries of pain.
mom tormented by cries of this flight and cries of Rimage. Cries of grandmothers, aunts, wives of. The men are silent and secure the open fire, a cigarette in his mouth. They do not say anything. After a while, 'they all go. "We support the station tomorrow."
The kitchen is heated, the fire remains true: it is he who keeps her company until the end of the night.

My sister always sleeps. My mother prepares a bed made of wooden crates of the crib. It takes the big pool green and takes me in his arms and there, stretched out on the land of Bethlehem, near the fire, get your sleep. Now everything is dark around us.

Loreta Giannetti

Get Rid Of Chubby Knees Fast

70 fish to take the LIPU

Save to a facility (a local research institute or laboratory where they are bred animals used for experiments), 70 cats , after following a rehabilitation program, are now being employed in Lombardia , preferably in the province of Pavia. Can not be locked in a cage (they spent most of their lives in captivity, and fear the restricted environments) and require a sheltered life, even in the company of other animals.
The poor animals were forced to live for long in narrow cages, which did not allow any kind of physical activity: why many of them at the beginning of rehabilitation, leg muscles had atrophied.
Needless to say, need to be treated with great kindness and understanding: the most lively confidence are catching up quickly in the human race, others, however, are still scared, and rightly, they fear contact with the man who inflicted much suffering .

Agatha, one of the beautiful cats saved from the enclosure.
Photo © LAV

The rehabilitation program was implemented by LAV and association I -care, which is concerned with rehabilitation and adoption of animals taken from their " laboratories of death. " It will be the latter association, to follow the procedures foster care permanently.
If you are interested, please write to the head of the center: @ .

micie If you wish to help these unfortunate, but you have the opportunity to welcome your home, you can make a donation to give them support at a distance: with 30 € •
give you food for one month to one of them, with 50 €
• provide food and basic medical care to one of them;
• with 100 € guarantee food and specialist care; •
with 250 € you will offer the basic maintenance and support vocational rehabilitation; •
with 500 € you will take both physical and psychological recovery and behavior of one of the cats, which can so quickly find a final settlement.

The donation will be made on account of postal LAV - Lega antivivisection Onlus No 24860009 , specifying the reason "Donation cats."

How Often To Change Surfboard Wax


Political Association - Cultural Movement in South

5th Edition
Music Groups Call for participation
The association political-cultural movement in South Grottaglie (TA) is organizing on 8 August 2010, the fifth edition of Night of the Bandits. This year's theme and banner of the "Public Water".
The invitation is open to all established and emerging bands who wanted to participate. All musical genres are welcome.

groups suitors will have to take into account the following credentials claimed from the organizer:
1) The repertoire must be totally new, so I'm not allowed to cover bands that already exist and then published pieces; 2) The performance shall not exceed the maximum time of 60 minutes (including assembly and disassembly required amplification);
3) There is no compensation after the show. The event is indeed organized only for informative / informative (with a specific issue), artistic and cultural
4) At the time of application to participate must be sent from the association name of the musical group, to gain technical, material Information on the footage (video, audio etc..) and general description of the band.

The material received will be subsequently reviewed by the organizing association. The group or groups that will perform at the Night of the Bandits will be informed accordingly. It will not be given priority according to the accessions sent.

The information and material about the band must be sent no later than June 30, 2010 to the e-mail - \u200b\u200bor to the responsible groups and stage Valerio Manisa:


Competition for Artists


The association political-cultural movement in South Grottaglie (TA) is organizing on 8 August 2010, the fifth edition of Night of the Bandits. This year's theme and banner of the "Public Water".
The invitation is open to all artists wishing to exhibit their works in the event. Are not specific technical requirements (painting, sculpture or photography), any art is allowed. At the same time, the artists who so wish will have opportunities to participate in an impromptu ceremony during the Night of the Bandits. They will then, on the materials offered by the association, produce works with any technique, keeping the same theme as the event.
Everything will be artistically produced during the Night of the Bandits, on the theme "Public Water", will then be reviewed by a jury composed by composed of industry experts, who will choose one work for the different categories. The selected works will be included in the Movement in the South a project to promote relevant to themselves and their respective authors.

artists suitors will have to take into account the following provisions required by the organizer:
1) The theme is the same and unique for all "public water";
2) The works carried out during the impromptu, on material provided by the association, the association will remain the same (except of course the works carried out on material properties of the performer). It is assumed that the works will remain at the Association Movement in the South will be part of an exhibition on the general theme "Moving South and its activities" and "La Notte dei Briganti" authority to advertise and publicize the name, the art and technique of the artist participant;
3) During the exhibition, the artist will exhibit a maximum of 3 works;
4) The artists that will produce works with its own material can enter the competition only if officially participating in the event. All artists will then announce their participation no later than the deadline.
5) All the artists will present at the event in an unofficial way, they will have opportunity to exhibit in the show the Notte dei Briganti their work and can not contribute to the promotion project. The participating artists

will officially announce their presence and not later than July 25, 2010 to the e-mail - \u200b\u200bor to be responsible for the impromptu show and Robert Bria:

Political Association - Cultural
Movement in South
Vico San Nicola, 6 - Grottaglie (TA)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Warts On Legs Toddler

year 1956 35. The Mass, the begging .... and oranges

Two stories, that of Betty and that of Armentini (post 34), clarifying the religious life of that time. The whole day was marked by piety: prayer beads, bells that mark the time a farmer, religious rituals and festivities that stopped the work and putting it became the moment chosen by young people to exchange glances and probe the intentions. In short, it was because it was the religious world. The first storia negli anni '50 if svolge, Mentre all'inizio degli anni seconded the '30s.

Betty Delacrétaz racconti:

going to Mass on Sunday I passed the window of the grocery store. But a Sunday that I see: oranges!
I had to read them money that Mom put in the prayer book. Lire to pay for the chair, and others for collection.
I counted and recounted my fortune, and bravely I entered the store, with I received all my lire 2 oranges.
All the way back (about 1 hour) I have seen and smelled the fragrance of these delicious fruits. On arriving I gave oranges to the Mom who has shared among all.
had to be at the table until they were acidic.
For me these oranges remain in my memory as the most delicious fruits, fragrant and tasty that I ate.
They were different times. This experience makes me appreciate every day well-being that I enjoy.

Going to Mass on Sunday, I passed a window of the grocery store. Once I saw some beautiful oranges. pounds in my pocket just that Mom put me in the book of the mass. Lire which were used to pay for the chair in the church and for alms.
ricontai counted and my little treasure and boldly entered the store: with the money I received two oranges.
Throughout the return journey (almost an hour), I watched and smelled the delicious aroma of these fruits. Arriving I gave Mom the oranges that he divided among all.
You had to hold on to the table as they were sour. But for me these oranges are still in my memory as the most delicious fruits, fragrant and flavorful I've ever eaten.
were different times. This experience makes me appreciate every day I enjoy the well-being.

Stomach Virus Going Around2010

34. The sheep of St.

Armentini, however, was not as tolerant and a mother, I must say, its action was much more insulting than that of Betty .

then tells the ' Armentini :

start by saying that since I was 6 years every morning from April to October, my mom woke me up at dawn to send me to graze sheep (four or five hours, depending on the month). In winter, I was thrown out of bed at 8. Only the snow party cause I did not leave the sheep.
a job I hated for various reasons: I was a huge effort to get out of sleep, I did not love this business and do not require skill, but mostly because I only request was that duty, never to my older sister .
I must have 8-9 years when my mother sent me to Mass and gave me 20 cents and give it to San Antonio. He told me that I had to ask the grace to keep our animals healthy. It was, in fact, on Jan. 17 feast of St. Anthony Abbot . I went to church and the statue of the saint had been placed in the middle of the nave, above a large drape where they threw all their money and asking for a pardon. The church was crowded, Mass was officiated by a number of celebrants and I watched carefully the Holy: ting, ting, the coins fell in torrents on the cloth, but he does not go down and never said thank you. So between myself, my son said that he was not receiving the money but the priests and I decided to spend the ones I had given my mom (a huge sum for the period) to buy the chestnut and "scachetti "(peanuts) I had seen on a stand before entering. But before leaving the church, however, asked the Holy grace: to kill all the sheep and only save other animals.

The owner of the stand he made resistance, it seemed strange that a girl could spend so much money for the goodies. At the end gave way, then I called all my friends and we all had a bellyful of chestnut as never happened in our lives.
Just got home, I went immediately into the fold to see if the sheep were dead. But no, not St. Anthony I had no grace: they were all there, alive and well. What a disappointment!
When my mother asked me if I had given the money I said no, because if they took that money is not the saint, but the priests who were there. I ran after him with the tongs in the fireplace. Fortunately this one uncle stopped her and said, "the girl told the truth, and woe betide you if you touch her," And for the first time in my life, the quarry without beating me, as I was happy .... .

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Famous Stars Stripes Cake

Petition against hunting wild

few days ago, I had already written, unfortunately, the new amendment to Article 43 at community DDL on the rules that govern hunting.

Given the gravity of this legislative decision, it will be useful to make a small summary.
The infamous article was approved by the Senate on January 28 last year and provides lengthening the hunting season to the months of February (during the journey of migratory birds to the sites chosen for reproduction: which would undermine a natural cycle that lasts a long time, jeopardizing the survival of certain species of birds in Italy) and August (last breeding season, when small birds are most vulnerable: in this case, I invite my readers to imagine the environmental and ecological damage caused by this new "wild hunt").

These forward-looking government decisions are made in the year of Biodiversity (to injury, insult ...) and after numerous calls by the European Union, which unsuccessfully asks Italy from four years to take rapid measures for what concerns the protection of the rarest species and natural habitats and the prohibition of hunting of birds during migration.
And the measures have been taken, but in the opposite direction ...

Given all this, LIPU (which is activated by opening even a blog dedicated to the fight against hunting "no limits") asks us all to sign the petition found at this Page : the infamous Article 43, in fact, to be effective, must still go through the approval of the Chamber of Deputies. Maybe it's not too late to stop .

I therefore invite you not only to sign the petition, but this appeal as widely as possible: these stories often go unnoticed and then information is imperative for every self-respecting animal rights.

• The petition
• The bill LIPU "Death Hunt"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Window Blinds 7 Japanese

33. Until the '50s the milk was delivered door to door every day

Ines Armentini and meeting the demand of Simonetta or as it was transported and stored the milk in the fridge before homes.

I get by with two words, but hearing the experts I realized that there escaped a post.

Yes, the milk was being bought every day in the city and the countryside because it could take up to two days, but only if it was cold.
San Giovanni, in the '40s, and until the '50s there was a woman they called "the lataröla," which went from house to house with its content in milk a can of aluminum, which carried on a rough cart. He had a wooden spoon, measuring just half a liter. So pour the milk into containers that prompted the handing of the mothers, usually a glass bottle by the neck off. The lataröla asks families if they wanted to milk the next day and he knew then, roughly, how much milk lead. The same was in the city, where he spent a farmer or farmer's market with its beautiful bins.
This milk was not pasteurized and, normally, you should drink only after it is boiled. I remember instead of an aunt who, knowing my passion for milk when milked the cow, I sprayed it directly into the mouth (and inevitably face), delicious!
In countries where there was the dairy, the mothers sent their children to take milk with a bottle or a small drum that he had an airtight seal. But during the winter months (November to March) the dairy closed. And it was then that the "razdora", another term for Emilia indicate the hostess with the milk of his cows was the cheese, butter and cottage cheese. Many of you, I'm sure, still have the taste in the mouth of this hot freshly made ricotta, which was put on the bread with a tablespoon of whey.

The woman in the past was a tireless worker, full-time and was able not only to tidy up the house, look after children, husband, men and elders of the family, prepare lunch, but to produce food, to look after the cattle, work the fields and produce fabrics for clothing .
Good news: is back in our city's milk day, the freshly milked.
fact, Ines says that in Reggio Emilia, there are now several shops where you can buy milk for the day. A big cow drawn on the window indicates clearly the type of product sold. We are tired of drinking milk that does not know anything, you do not know where and when it was produced and arrives on our plates even after covering 2000 km. These stores certify, however, near the origin and quality of milk: LONG LIVE THE GENUINENESS '


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Meat Stuffer Homemade

vegan menu for Valentine's Day

During this time I'm working on a research that I was commissioned and, alas, does not have much time to devote to the blog.
Today, however, I want to spend some useful links and original, hoping to please all those who care about the welfare and rights of our four-legged friends.

First remember that for next Valentine , the LAV is proposing - as has become tradition - a delicious vegan menu: February 14 to celebrate even without cruelty.

The complete menu can be found on the site to this link.

LAV also allows you to give to your loved one a sponsorship, choosing from one of three dogs rescued from the horror of fighting illegal. For more information, visit the website of the LAV you will find the news already on the home page.

Finally, to return to the kitchen, the site offers two different menus Vegan3000 to celebrate Valentine's Day: they are both linked on the home page, here .

Enjoy everyone!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can You Glue To Stainless Steel

32. When the Church sets the rules of sobriety, including children

of Betty Delacretaz

Je me souviens, j'avais environ 6 ans à nous étions Valle di Sotto provinces of Vicenza , comme dans beaucoup de régions où les Cures régnaient masters and lords.
We enthusiastically preparing to Corpus Christi. On this occasion, small wicker baskets were manufactured, they were filled with rose petals. For me it was an event ....
The procession was to start, all children were behind the canopy and the joy was at its height when a lady near the priest called the "perpetua" approached me, took me by the hand, and took me out of the ranks because my dress did not cover the knees. My crime: I had grown a little too fast and lack of resources, the wardrobe had not followed!

Je demeure que persuadée stupidity et l'ignorance de certains ont largement des Eglises contributed to the desertification.

I remember, I was about 6 years old and lived in Valle di Sotto in the province of Vicenza, where as many other regions of the priests and masters of kings reigned supreme.
We enthusiastically preparing for the feast of Corpus Domini. For the occurrence had been made in small wicker baskets that had filled with rose petals. For me it was ... an exceptional event.
The procession began, all the children were behind the canopy and the joy was at its peak when the "perpetual, a lady at the service of the priest approached me, took my hand and led me out of line because my suit did not cover the knees. My crime: I had grown too fast and, for lack of money, the wardrobe had not followed the evolution!
I remain convinced that some of the stupidity and ignorance have largely contributed to the desertification of the churches.
Mrs. Delacretaz is Swiss origin Vicenza and decided to leave this blog in the language that dominates rather, his thoughts on the past. Thank you very much. The translator-traitor of his piece is me. Barbara

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sore Jaw After Drinking Alcohol

saved 600 cats in China

Sometimes a good news!
Taken from the site of the Ordinance:

The OIPA has been updated by the Animal Chinese on an important mission of saving cats. On the afternoon of Dec. 18, a group of Chinese activists had received a question about a truck full of stolen cats and was immediately organized the rescue mission. Two cars carrying 10 rescuers and a journalist in Beijing met with other activists from the city of Wuxi (near Shanghai), have intercepted and stopped the truck near the city and called the police immediately.

With the help of Police the truck was taken to the police station. The truck was carrying 30 crates containing about 600 cats, accompanied by three thieves cats and 2 drivers. Police have decided, given the late hour, that the decision would be communicated to the next morning. The activists of Shanghai and Wuxi have then spent the night near the truck, with a temperature went below zero. Some cats had already died for lack of food and water and suffering endured during transport. in the morning and then came the decision of the Police: quarantine certificates and property are recognized and declared legal ownership of the cats to the "kidnappers". To no avail protests by animal rights activists who argued that the documents were forged and the cats were still wearing collars, a sign that had been taken away from private homes. activists angered by the decision of the Police have launched a garrison peacefully with signs saying "Give us back our cats." At the same time other activists arrived from Shanghai to provide support to the protest. They then called the Department of Agriculture who helped persuade the police to review the case. Finally in the evening after long and exhausting negotiations, all 600 cats were released and assigned to the animal rights group Chinese Wuxi Cat Rescuer Group. The hard work has paid off with the best gift: 600 cats rescued from a terrible death to satisfy the market for fur and meat. In China, the animal rights movement is growing, it involves people of all ages and can bring relief to the animals and to combat the trade in fur from dogs / cats on the basis of a few laws currently in force in China.

Paola Ghidotti
OIPA International Campaigns Director

Images from the site of the Ordinance.

( This news is dedicated to all those who use the argument "animal torture" to justify their racial hatred as you can see, not all Chinese cats skinned alive, just as not all Italians kill dogs with sticks ... )

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reptiles Vs Mammals Cellular Respiration

Stop the torture of macaques at the University of Parma

I receive from the public and EticoEtica :

On 2 February, at the University of Leuven, Belgium, the Italian professors
Rizzolatti and Wales will receive a prize for their research. The two are
part of a team of researchers working on the brains of macaques in
laboratories of the University of Parma.

Against Vivisection University of Leuven has been active for over a year
a campaign by the Anti Dierproeven Coalitie that
Feb. 2 will be present to give a different course, welcome these two
our own torturers.

For thousands of supporters of the ADC between Belgium and Holland are leaving e-mail
protest against these two researchers, so we thought
he should make them feel that even here in Italy there are so many people disgusted by their
search method cruel and insensitive.

You can also watch a short video taken from them during an experiment in which a monkey
is confined to a restraining device and its electrodes are connected to brain
: = 02AJbqsPUT8 & feature = player_embedded

Let our voices be heard!


vittorio.gallese @, @ giacomo.rizzolatti,
mark.waer @

Office Prof Rizzolatti:
Tel: 0521-033879 Tel
: 0521-033881

Office Prof Welsh:
Tel: 0521-033887
tel: 0521-033898

LETTER TYPE OF ANTI Dierproeven Coalitie:

the attention of professors Rizzolatti and Wales

I know that your work group at the University of Parma is
conducting highly invasive experiments on monkeys conscious. I saw with my eyes
footage of an experiment performed at the Laboratory of Neuroscience
University of Parma, which shows a monkey fully conscious
bound and confined to a chair, unable to move their
head, to which were attached to the electrodes via a surgical implant.

upsets me to see these beautiful animals confined in small cages and forced to undergo
experiments. They are deprived of liberty as the
slaves and condemned to a miserable life as objects for experimental research
cruel and misleading.
Primates are highly sentient beings who experience a wide range of
emotions are very intelligent and sensitive to pain, both physical and mental
to fear and stress. Harass these innocent souls in experiments
base. Without having to add that your experiments do not even have
shown any application for human or veterinary medicine.

It 's a shame that in spite of this the University of Leuven
has decided to honor your "work" by awarding you a doctorate. An award
"mad scientist" might have been more congenial. Is not so
strange, because even at the University of Leuven are made
incredible abuse of monkeys.

fully support the Anti Dierproeven Coalitie in his campaign against vivisection on
non-human primates. Exploiting animals is not something that
proud of, much less something to be rewarded.
