Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can You Glue To Stainless Steel

32. When the Church sets the rules of sobriety, including children

of Betty Delacretaz

Je me souviens, j'avais environ 6 ans à nous étions Valle di Sotto provinces of Vicenza , comme dans beaucoup de régions où les Cures régnaient masters and lords.
We enthusiastically preparing to Corpus Christi. On this occasion, small wicker baskets were manufactured, they were filled with rose petals. For me it was an event ....
The procession was to start, all children were behind the canopy and the joy was at its height when a lady near the priest called the "perpetua" approached me, took me by the hand, and took me out of the ranks because my dress did not cover the knees. My crime: I had grown a little too fast and lack of resources, the wardrobe had not followed!

Je demeure que persuadée stupidity et l'ignorance de certains ont largement des Eglises contributed to the desertification.

I remember, I was about 6 years old and lived in Valle di Sotto in the province of Vicenza, where as many other regions of the priests and masters of kings reigned supreme.
We enthusiastically preparing for the feast of Corpus Domini. For the occurrence had been made in small wicker baskets that had filled with rose petals. For me it was ... an exceptional event.
The procession began, all the children were behind the canopy and the joy was at its peak when the "perpetual, a lady at the service of the priest approached me, took my hand and led me out of line because my suit did not cover the knees. My crime: I had grown too fast and, for lack of money, the wardrobe had not followed the evolution!
I remain convinced that some of the stupidity and ignorance have largely contributed to the desertification of the churches.
Mrs. Delacretaz is Swiss origin Vicenza and decided to leave this blog in the language that dominates rather, his thoughts on the past. Thank you very much. The translator-traitor of his piece is me. Barbara


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