Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sore Jaw After Drinking Alcohol

saved 600 cats in China

Sometimes a good news!
Taken from the site of the Ordinance:

The OIPA has been updated by the Animal Chinese on an important mission of saving cats. On the afternoon of Dec. 18, a group of Chinese activists had received a question about a truck full of stolen cats and was immediately organized the rescue mission. Two cars carrying 10 rescuers and a journalist in Beijing met with other activists from the city of Wuxi (near Shanghai), have intercepted and stopped the truck near the city and called the police immediately.

With the help of Police the truck was taken to the police station. The truck was carrying 30 crates containing about 600 cats, accompanied by three thieves cats and 2 drivers. Police have decided, given the late hour, that the decision would be communicated to the next morning. The activists of Shanghai and Wuxi have then spent the night near the truck, with a temperature went below zero. Some cats had already died for lack of food and water and suffering endured during transport. in the morning and then came the decision of the Police: quarantine certificates and property are recognized and declared legal ownership of the cats to the "kidnappers". To no avail protests by animal rights activists who argued that the documents were forged and the cats were still wearing collars, a sign that had been taken away from private homes. activists angered by the decision of the Police have launched a garrison peacefully with signs saying "Give us back our cats." At the same time other activists arrived from Shanghai to provide support to the protest. They then called the Department of Agriculture who helped persuade the police to review the case. Finally in the evening after long and exhausting negotiations, all 600 cats were released and assigned to the animal rights group Chinese Wuxi Cat Rescuer Group. The hard work has paid off with the best gift: 600 cats rescued from a terrible death to satisfy the market for fur and meat. In China, the animal rights movement is growing, it involves people of all ages and can bring relief to the animals and to combat the trade in fur from dogs / cats on the basis of a few laws currently in force in China.

Paola Ghidotti
OIPA International Campaigns Director

Images from the site of the Ordinance.

( This news is dedicated to all those who use the argument "animal torture" to justify their racial hatred as you can see, not all Chinese cats skinned alive, just as not all Italians kill dogs with sticks ... )


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