Before you begin to tackle the topic of this post, I want to make a point: some time ago I was pointed out that Natividad provides no unreleased news for animals: "The things that write, who is already familiar with the animal. "
I'm sorry that the animals "DOC" are not appealing to my readers, but I remember that was never my intention to create a virtual newspaper for "insiders". I do not write for the animals, I am writing to all the others, to transmit basic knowledge to those who do not know (or know only in part) which and how many injustices are daily inflicted on animals. I am writing to disclose , because I feel useless and sterile any form of self-dialogue. End of explanation.
The numerous incidents of ill-treatment by shows such as "Striscia la Notizia", \u200b\u200bthe recent " Bigazzi case," the sorry spectacle of hungry stray dogs and cats and reduced pain (even in many large cities in the regions of Central South in Greece ...), the total indifference of trucks packed with animals to the slaughterhouse are just some examples of the different sensitivity with which they are considered the dignity and life of animals.
L ' horror habit is the daughter of the tendency of man (Western or "Westernized") to dominate nature (regard it as an inexhaustible source of raw materials from which to draw without restraint), to include all what he considers inferior to himself.
fact, if we portray us in the face of horror and injustice catostrofi that concerns us (our pain diminishes quickly, however, if it is distant populations or ethnic groups that somehow deem to be "underdeveloped" and potentially "dangerous"), however willingly accepted the torture inflicted on animals in the name of our prosperity.
Faced with cages full of unspeakable suffering of vivisection laboratories, to "camp" of factory farms and slaughterhouses (where cows and calves are violently dragged to his death - I remember in particular the case of Doris cow -, the chicks are crushed alive and rabbits remain suspended for hours to bleed to death) our rapidly changing parameters for evaluation: so are only animals. Their ability to feel pain in our eyes does not exist or is not relevant to the point of having to be taken into account.
The relationship of subordination "animal / man" comes from a anthropocentric conception of the universe (natural and social) and philosophical movements such as 'deep ecology el' Isa (which I'll discuss in a future article) are trying to subvert and Spotlight: beyond the cruelty (obvious) to animals, this mindset is dangerous for the man himself. The dividing line between lack of empathy towards animals and the total indifference to the fate of other human beings is thin and fragile and, if oltrapassata has led to a sterile spiral of violence and abuse. The habit
horror numbs us, inhibits our sym-pathéia , building a kind of waterproof film around our emotions.
The sense of a reference to Marguerite Youcenar I have chosen as "sentence launch" of this blog
"C the child martyrs would be less if there were fewer animals tortured, not sealed wagons carrying the victims to the death of any dictatorship, if we had not gotten used to agonizing vans where animals direct to slaughter. "
is just that. There spiritually enriching denying dignity to animals because we do not give them rights removing them from the human species. In contrast, benevolence with which a community treats its animals ("pet", "farm" ... as we usually define them with little magnanimous expression) is often a sign of moral and cultural progress. Perhaps be wrong, but I can not split the backwardness with which Italy in tackling issues such as hunting (what about the ' last amendment to Article 43 of the DDL Community ?) And the cruelty of factory farming permanent detention centers , of rejections at sea, the beatings of third country nationals, who were guilty only of being "more" than "we."
animals - it is well known - are the Other par excellence: in the past we have demonized them, turned into monsters, fought and hunted. We brought them, however, with respect, because we shared with them the difficulties of daily life.
Today, in the welfare of the consumer quickly and easily, we have ceased to fear them and began to manipulate them, without realizing that, get used to the horror and the commodification of the body (not just those of animals), we have introjected this horror, transforming it into a peculiar feature of our being.
It 's this the way that we want to go?
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