Monday, April 26, 2010

Is It Safe For Diabetics To Fly

Isa: brief instructions for use in hunting wild

This post is linked to the previous " Habit horror." Today I want to explain it (to the layman, as I have already specified) which are the cornerstones of the movement Isa and, more generally, of the animal. Maybe someone will find it useful.

The Isa is a cultural and philosophical which has its roots in critical quell'antropocentrismo underlying the relationship between man and animal - as well as the relationship between man and environment - in most human societies. According to the anthropocentric approach
Nature (including the animal world) would be totally subservient to man, who may use it to your liking, tame, influencing and oppressing: speciesism attitude is deeply rooted in the human race.

Image © Matt Bianucci, 2007
From site EticoEtica

Isa The states in the 60s, in Anglo-Saxon environment. However, it has a more distant roots: with no trouble all thinkers the past (Pythagoras, Plutarch, Leonardo da Vinci, to name a few) that deprecated the use of animals for food, just think of the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748 - 1832), the first proponent of a theory of rights animals.
Among the major theorists is the Australian philosopher Peter Singer songwriter Animal Liberation and Great Ape Project. According

1) pain is always a bad thing, whatever that proves the creature;
2) the ability to feel physical pain and mental suffering are not just the human species, but of all living creatures : for this action to cause suffering in animals to avoid and condemn
3) the inherent gravity of the act must take the life regardless of species, race and sex;
4) each of us is responsible not only for what he has done, but also miss the action, which could avoid wrong and unjust.

The Isa does not condemn humanity as such, nor does it give it a unique negative feedback: the man, if he wishes, can in fact improve, abandoning their own preconceived ideas generated by the desire for progress (obtained at any cost ) habit and (not least) by determining religious beliefs.

Anyone who persists in supporting that anyone involved in animal rights you forget the more important (!) human rights would do well to remember that Isa is the closest relative of the anti-racist movement: it is a natural and logical evolution.
Not surprisingly, the personal website of Singer already mentioned, you can read the list of "things to do" to change (or at least try ...) the world in positive: 1. do something for the poorest people, 2. do something for animals, 3. do something for the environment.
Love of neighbor, compassion for animals and the environment are significantly placed at the same level of importance.
Moreover, history teaches us what might seem extravagant to their early struggles for the rights of blacks, women, ethnic minorities and social life in general at first, they were accepted by the majority hegemony with shock and disapproval - the same attitude today that reserves to the battle Isa / animals.
In fact, among the main enemies dell'antispecismo habit is the horror that I wrote a couple of days ago that made us lose the capacity for indignation and react to the injustices perpetuated against animals so as to everything that is "other" or away from us. Which is negative in many respects.
espouse the cause does not mean Isa lost behind frivolous issues, but the statement is a more evolved and far-sighted way of thinking.

Manifesto Isa
• Personal site of Peter Singer


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